2017 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival

  • Location: Howard County Fairgrounds
  • Address: 2210 Fairgrounds Rd, West Friendship, MD 21794
  • Presented By: Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
  • Phone: (410) 531-3647
  • Time: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Price: $5 per person per day - 18 and older, Under 18 admitted free

More sheep and wool than you can imagine!

Discover the beauty of sheep, the warmth of wool and the delicious taste of lamb during a fun-filled weekend celebrating all things wool, from hoof to handwoven.

•    Over 275 Vendors
•    Over 800 Sheep
•    Sheep Shows
•    Sheep Breeds Display and Parade of Breeds
•    Working Sheepdog Demonstrations
•    Sheep Shearing Demonstrations
•    Fiber Arts Demonstrations
•    Lamb Cooking Demonstrations
•    Fiber Arts Workshops
•    Shepherds Workshops
•    Special Family Activities
•    Sheep-to-Shawl Contest
•    Contests and Competitions: Skein & Garment, Fine Arts, Photography, Poster, Junior Spinning,Lead Line, Club Lamb, Grand Lamb Cook-Off
•    Fleece Show & Sale
•    All Breeds Sheep Sale
•    Auctions of Spinning and Weaving Equipment, Sheep Equipment, and Handspun, Handwoven Shawls from the Sheep-to-Shawl Contest
•    Maryland Lamb & Wool Queen Contest
•    Food Vendors
•    Farm-to-Fork Local Foods to take home
•    Musical Entertainment
•    …and much, much more!

No pets…please leave your dogs at home.


2017 Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival
  • to
  • Howard County Fairgrounds
  • $5 per person per day - 18 and older, Under 18 admitted free